Appendix 3 Curated Online Resources

These books, blogs, and other resources were all useful to me as I was learning to either do or teach various components of the material presented in this course. Thanks to the online community for developing such great content!

13.10 Plots and visual data exploration

13.11 Data wrangling/Tidyverse and advanced programming concepts

  • Details about using pipes and the ‘.’ with tidyverse

  • Using Bang Bang to support non-standard evaluation in tidyverse.

  • More Tidy evaluation for non-standard evaluation in the tidyverse

  • Advanced R by Hadley Wickham. This online book is designed primarily for R users who want to improve their programming skills and understanding of the language.

13.13 Performance Metrics

13.14 Caret

13.15 R Markdown

13.16 Cheatsheets